Pages: 86
Published Date: March 17, 2020, ANSI/CEMA Standard No. 550-2020 Revision of ANSI/CEMA 550-2003 (R2015)
ISBN: 978-1891171-51-2
ANSI/CEMA Standard No.550-2020. A precise definition and accurate classification of materials according to their individual handling characteristics.’, ‘ANSI/CEMA Standard #550. Presents materials classifications with physical characteristics of each, hazards that affect conveyability, along with suggested test procedures to aid the establishment of criteria for selection of conveying machinery and ancillary equipment.
The revisions to this document consist of; adding metric conversions, updating the Bulk Density in Chapter III, Table 7 and adding a table on how to read the CEMA Material Code. Additionally, Cosmetic changes and updates to the bibliographic references, and a disclaimer in the foreword regarding material properties.
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